Much of the church is ignorant when it comes to the ministry of the prophet. By and large, most churches and church members do not understand prophets or prophetic ministry, and often they are not open to receiving it. But, prophets and prophetic ministry is vital to a strong healthy church and sanctified saints.

Why is so much of the church ignorant concerning prophets and prophetic ministry? Because most have never been exposed to true prophetic ministry. When most people think of prophets or prophetic ministry, they think of Jim Jones, Warren Jeffs or some other false prophet.

We have become so used to false prophets that often we miss those true prophets in our midst. But, God is in the process of restoring true prophets and genuine prophetic ministry to His church. We need real prophets. Believers need real prophets. The church needs true prophetic ministry.

Rather than being afraid of prophets and prophetic ministry, we must begin to identify prophetic authority. I have learned that prophets carry a unique anointing and authority from the Lord. It is recognizable. By learning how to identify prophetic authority, we can learn to recognize and receive genuine prophets.

What does prophetic authority look like? And, how is it released? Prophets truly called by God carry a special mantle of grace upon their lives. That grace enables them to endure and survive those extreme tests and trials their calling requires; it provides them with extraordinary favor with God and man.

Prophetic authority is an authority based on grace and favor, not position. So much of the church is so used to position-oriented authority that we are unable to receive grace and favor-based authority. But, apostolic and prophetic authority is grace-based, not position-based.

Just because I say I am a prophet does not make me one. Just because I say I am an apostle and have others following me and can preach, prophesy and pray does not make me an apostle. True prophets and apostles function in grace, extraordinary grace, or as the Bible describes it in the Greek - mega-grace.

What is grace-based authority and how does it differ from position-based authority? Grace-based authority causes others to want to follow and receive what is being brought by the person bringing it. Grace-based authority relies on favor. Position-based authority relies on credentials.

Grace-based authority causes fruitfulness. Grace-based authority depends upon power to perform the ministry assignment given. Position-based authority can blind us to grace-based authority. In other words, we become so used to those we've become used to that we don't recognize real authority from God.

John the Baptist was a man sent by God. God anointed John. People went into the middle of the desert to hear John. John was established as a prophet, and he was recognized as a prophet. All Israel went to hear John the prophet. This is prophetic authority.

Positional authority stated to John, "Where did you get your authority from?" Positional authority recognized that John had prophetic authority, but they could not receive that authority that was given by grace. Their inability to receive prophetic authority caused a door of blessing to close to them.

John was called to highlight and point to Messiah. If positional authority had received prophetic authority, things might have ended differently: positional authority could, and should, have submitted to his prophetic authority. But, Jerusalem was destroyed, John the Baptist was killed, and Jesus was crucified: positional authority sought to kill prophetic authority.

Prophetic authority can be dangerous to positional authority. Prophets can challenge those in a position of power without fear. This ability is what gets them into such trouble. Prophets are fearless and faithful. Prophets are anointed and appointed to bring a message from God.

God always honors His message and His prophets. If we honor true prophets, we receive the blessing of genuine prophetic authority. All authority has the ability to release blessing. Prophetic authority releases a different blessing than positional authority.

Prophetic authority releases grace to accomplish and become fruitful. Prophetic authority has a voice that cannot be denied. The ring of truth in a prophet's voice can silence the lies in the mouths of accusers and slanderers. Prophetic authority is not bound by what man says; it relies on what God says.

Prophetic authority is a special grace given to prophets that is designed to help them fulfill the call of God. Prophetic authority is distinct and separate from man-given authority. Prophetic authority has its origins in God's heart.

Prophetic authority is a different degree and dimension of authority that we must learn to understand if we want to experience God's grace, favor, and blessing upon our lives. Prophetic authority will challenge us to change us to make us into genuine men and women of God - true believers.

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