Recently, God sent me to the nation of Haiti to speak over that nation. God's prophetic mantle came upon me mightily in sending me to this nation that is sitting in great darkness. Doors of utterance miraculously opened and a way was paved for me to travel to Haiti.

God sent me to Haiti with very specific instructions on what I was to prophesy. The prophetic words given were not the conditional words that are normally ministered in church services by prophets ministering personal prophecies. No, these were national words designed to lift a nation out of darkness.

God has sent me to several nations with prophetic words like this. God opened these doors; they were not opened by my own plan, purpose or will, or the desire for self promotion. No, God opened these doors to speak into the lives of leaders and nations to bring them divine instructions.

Sometimes, even in entering a nation, miracles take place as a demonstration of the power of prophetic authority. To enter the nation of Nigeria, I needed a visa to be issued by the Nigerian embassy in less than 7 days. The ambassador of Nigeria stated to those ministers inviting me to speak that it would take 14 days for a visa to be issued. I received my visa in 3 days.

While in Nigeria, doors were opened to prophesy on national television. Nigeria has only 3 or 4 television stations. God brought news crews to the conference where I was ministering because so many miracles were taking place. This caught their attention.

God makes it clear that the prophetic voice is extremely important to his mission on planet earth. God says, "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealth his secret unto his servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7). This text of scripture is not an archaic reference to past prophets and prophetic voices but a present tense call to embrace prophets and prophecy today.

Many people have gone to Haiti. Many nations have expended a great deal of time, energy and money in the rebuilding process in Haiti. But, little has been done. Why? Because no prophetic voice has been speaking over Haiti. God hasn't done anything because he waits until His prophets begin prophesying. God knows His prophets and sends His prophets and honors His prophets.

God doesn't do anything unless His prophets prophesy. God sends His prophets to prophesy so that His work can be done. Without prophets prophesying, nothing happens. Prophecy is not just something that "those prophets do"; it is vital to the growth and mission of the church. Prophecy causes things to happen. Without it, nothing happens.

Some may not like this message, but it is nevertheless true. Prophets are necessary and vital to the work of God. We cannot replace the prophetic voice with good plans. We cannot replace the prophetic voice with solid wisdom. No! The prophetic voice is essential to seeing things done in our world.

God places a premium on prophecy. Why doesn't the church do the same? Why are so many leaders today afraid of prophets? I believe it is because so many charlatans have used prophecy to control people rather than declare "thus says the Lord".

This is the danger of prophets and prophecy: charlatans disguised as prophets that muddy the waters when it comes to true prophets. Nevertheless, if we want things to get done, we must embrace the prophetic voice. We cannot drown out the prophetic voice and then expect the acts of God. No! To receive His acts, we must be willing to do things His way.

God is not silent today. Prophets are not being silent today. Prophets are being sent to those who are ready and willing to receive the prophetic word. In the middle of our busy schedules, we must ask ourselves: Am I embracing the prophetic voice or disdaining it?

The answer to this question will be telling. If we honor and embrace the prophetic voice today, then we will see the mighty acts of God. If we disdain prophets and prophecy, then we will become like the barren river bed that has been emptied of life giving waters.

I want to challenge you through this blog posting: prove the prophetic voice. Test prophets and prophecy, but when they are found to be genuine, embrace them. If we do, then we will experience the full benefits of having God working with us and on our behalf. If not, then we are guaranteed that He will do what he said he would do - nothing.

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