What is your picture of a prophet's life? Is it of fame, fortune, and glamour? Is it of hardship, persecution, and suffering? Is it of someone who is continually in God's presence, praying 24/7/365? What is it like to be a prophet? I want to take a look at the lives of some prophets in the Bible and I want to share a little of my experience as a prophet to help you understand what a prophet's life is like.

The pattern prophet in Scripture is Abraham. Abraham is the first person mentioned in the Bible who is described as being a prophet. The Bible calls him a "Nabi". Nabi is one of the Hebrew words that is used for a person called to be a prophet. Abraham is also called the friend of God. Is. 41:8. God and Abraham spoke regularly; they were friends. In Exod. 33:11, New Heart English Bible. we see that Moses had this same kind of relationship with God, it says, 

The LORD spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. 

That's what it means to be a prophet. A prophet is a friend of God. That is what a prophet's life is like. When I first came to Christ, what I wanted more than anything else was for Jesus to be my best friend. I drew near to God, and He drew near to me. James 4:8. Along the way, my perspective began to change. I started realizing that what this world offers is a shadow of what is offered through Christ. I became more acquainted with and attracted to the things of God than the things of this world.

That is one of the things that concerns me about the prophetic movement today: it seems attracted to the things of this world. As the Apostle James said, "Unfaithful people! Don't you know that to be the world's friend means to be God's enemy?" James 4:4, Good News Translation. Jesus, the prototype prophet said it this way, 

Enter through the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction,b and there are many who go through it. How narrow is the gate and difficult the road that leads to life, and few find it. Matt. 7:13, 14. Christian Standard Bible.

Truth is, God is looking for friends. But, for God, friends have been few and far between. Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Enoch, and a few others have drawn close enough to God to be His friend. Most people, including believers, are unwilling to draw that close to God. Many people, including believers, fear drawing that close to God. But God is looking for friends. That is what a prophet is called to be - a friend of God.

Ed Dufresne wrote an excellent book on the life of a prophet, Prophet: Friend of God. That book describes the process God took Dufresne through on route to becoming a prophet. Dufresne started at the bottom; he cleaned toilets for the church, then went on to owning his own toilet cleaning business, then entered the ministry. You may want to buy that book if you are interested in understanding more about the life of a true prophet. 

What I like about Dufresne's book is it describes the process he went through. Dufresne doesn't try to make himself look good; he shares the details of what it was like becoming a friend of God. I like his book because it mirrors my own journey as a prophet. I didn't start off wanting to be a prophet. And I didn't understand I was a prophet until after spending a significant amount of time in prayer. I started discerning God's call on my life in the secret place of prayer.

Many are seeking prophecies confirming their calling as prophets. And I believe confirms callings through prophecy. But I believe anyone called to be a prophet should seek confirmation of their calling in the secret place of prayer. After I began feeling called into the prophetic office while I was spending time in prayer, I began asking God to confirm that calling. He did. My mom shared with me a story I had never heard - a Catholic priest had prophesied that I was a man of God while being baptized as a baby. I didn't know that before feeling called to be a prophet. Then, Rick Renner, while attending a church (Grace Fellowship) in Iowa City, IA, laid hands on me. Later, I received multiple prophetic words confirming my calling as a prophet.

I am sharing what I am sharing to help you understand my journey to becoming a prophet of God. Being a prophet isn't for everyone. Not everyone is called into that office. But those who are called into that office receive tremendous benefits. Yet the first benefit of being a prophet is becoming a friend of God. That is the most important benefit. And it is the greatest burden. When you become God's friend, you start caring about what He cares about. That will change your life, direction, and purpose.

For those who are called to be prophets, I invite you to join the prophet's life. As Moses said, "I wish that all the LORD’s people were prophets and that the LORD would place His Spirit on them!" Your highest calling as a prophet is being God's friend. Your greatest adversary as a prophet is becoming a friend of the world. That is what the real prophet's life is like. We are on a journey of friendship with God. As Jesus said, “Come and see”.

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